[SCAM] ***12-09-2011***Mesej Penting - Sila Baca Segera (Important Message - Please Read Immediately)
0 Comments Published by Ebisu on Sep 15, 2011 at 10:54 PM.

>>>> Following is a SCAM message!
This e-mail claim to be from a Western Union Auditor from Malaysia.
The original message is in Malay language. A translated version is also given below.
Subject: *** 12-09-2011 *** Important Message - Please Read Immediately
SouthEast Asia Regional Headquarters,
The Western Union Company
Kuala Lumpur 51100
My name is Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim. I am the auditor Western Union, Malaysia. I was appointed here recently and moved from Brunei. At the beginning of my work here, I have found that there is a pending transfer of U.S. $ 698,000.00 (Six Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand United States Dollars) in the system.
I immediately informed the Government of Malaysia and it was agreed that the funds will be returned to the sender or intended recipient. Now I intend to enter your name as the initial recipient and this has been agreed by the company.
I am contacting you to inform you of this decision by the company. Transfer of $ 9,820 (Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty United States Dollars) can be received each day until the money cleared from the system. This will result in a total of $ 58.920 (Fifty-Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty United States Dollars) every six days. It is very important that you respond immediately. And in case you're wondering, we got your information from the index on the internet and we have confirmed with the relevant authorities.
Transfers are available on our system as you read this message. To proceed, please confirm the following information immediately;
Full name (as given in the I / C):
Your immediate response is diperlukan.Terima love.
Best regards,
Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim
Tel: +60 (0) 14 326 3972
This e-mail claim to be from a Western Union Auditor from Malaysia.
The original message is in Malay language. A translated version is also given below.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Western Union <westernunion@cyberservices.com>
Date: 2011/9/12
Subject: ***12-09-2011***Mesej Penting - Sila Baca Segera
To: noreply@intergold-messaging-services.co.uk
SouthEast Asia Regional Headquarters,
The Western Union Company
Kuala Lumpur 51100
Nama saya Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim. Saya Ketua juruaudit Western Union, Malaysia. Saya telah dilantik di sini baru-baru ini dan dipindahkan dari Brunei. Pada permulaan tugas-tugas saya di sini, saya telah mendapati bahawa terdapat sejumlah pemindahan sementara menunggu US $ 698,000.00 (Enam Ratus Sembilan puluh Lapan Ribu Dolar Amerika Syarikat) dalam sistem.
Saya segera memaklumkan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia dan ia telah dipersetujui bahawa dana akan dikembalikan kepada Pengirim atau Penerima yang dimaksudkan. Sekarang saya bercadang untuk masukkan nama anda sebagai Penerima awal dan ini telah dipersetujui oleh syarikat itu.
Saya menghubungi anda untuk memaklumkan anda mengenai keputusan ini oleh syarikat itu. Pemindahan jumlah $ 9.820 (Sembilan Ribu, Lapan Ratus Dua puluh Dolar Amerika Syarikat) boleh diterima setiap hari sehingga wang dipadamkan dari sistem. Ini akan menyebabkan sejumlah $ 58,920 (Lima puluh Lapan Ribu, Sembilan Ratus Dua puluh Dolar Amerika Syarikat) setiap enam hari. Ia adalah sangat penting bahawa anda bertindak balas dengan segera. Dan dalam kes anda tertanya-tanya, kami mendapat maklumat anda dari indeks di internet dan kami telah mengesahkan dengan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan.
Pemindahan yang sedia pada sistem kami sebagai anda membaca mesej ini. Untuk meneruskan, sila sahkan maklumat berikut dengan segera;
Nama Penuh (seperti yang diberikan pada I / C):
Jawapan segera anda adalah diperlukan.Terima kasih.
Best regards,
Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim
Tel: +60 (0) 14 326 3972
From: Western Union <westernunion@cyberservices.com>
Date: 2011/9/12
Subject: ***12-09-2011***Mesej Penting - Sila Baca Segera
To: noreply@intergold-messaging-services.co.uk
SouthEast Asia Regional Headquarters,
The Western Union Company
Kuala Lumpur 51100
Nama saya Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim. Saya Ketua juruaudit Western Union, Malaysia. Saya telah dilantik di sini baru-baru ini dan dipindahkan dari Brunei. Pada permulaan tugas-tugas saya di sini, saya telah mendapati bahawa terdapat sejumlah pemindahan sementara menunggu US $ 698,000.00 (Enam Ratus Sembilan puluh Lapan Ribu Dolar Amerika Syarikat) dalam sistem.
Saya segera memaklumkan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia dan ia telah dipersetujui bahawa dana akan dikembalikan kepada Pengirim atau Penerima yang dimaksudkan. Sekarang saya bercadang untuk masukkan nama anda sebagai Penerima awal dan ini telah dipersetujui oleh syarikat itu.
Saya menghubungi anda untuk memaklumkan anda mengenai keputusan ini oleh syarikat itu. Pemindahan jumlah $ 9.820 (Sembilan Ribu, Lapan Ratus Dua puluh Dolar Amerika Syarikat) boleh diterima setiap hari sehingga wang dipadamkan dari sistem. Ini akan menyebabkan sejumlah $ 58,920 (Lima puluh Lapan Ribu, Sembilan Ratus Dua puluh Dolar Amerika Syarikat) setiap enam hari. Ia adalah sangat penting bahawa anda bertindak balas dengan segera. Dan dalam kes anda tertanya-tanya, kami mendapat maklumat anda dari indeks di internet dan kami telah mengesahkan dengan pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan.
Pemindahan yang sedia pada sistem kami sebagai anda membaca mesej ini. Untuk meneruskan, sila sahkan maklumat berikut dengan segera;
Nama Penuh (seperti yang diberikan pada I / C):
Jawapan segera anda adalah diperlukan.Terima kasih.
Best regards,
Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim
Tel: +60 (0) 14 326 3972
Subject: *** 12-09-2011 *** Important Message - Please Read Immediately
SouthEast Asia Regional Headquarters,
The Western Union Company
Kuala Lumpur 51100
My name is Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim. I am the auditor Western Union, Malaysia. I was appointed here recently and moved from Brunei. At the beginning of my work here, I have found that there is a pending transfer of U.S. $ 698,000.00 (Six Hundred and Ninety-Eight Thousand United States Dollars) in the system.
I immediately informed the Government of Malaysia and it was agreed that the funds will be returned to the sender or intended recipient. Now I intend to enter your name as the initial recipient and this has been agreed by the company.
I am contacting you to inform you of this decision by the company. Transfer of $ 9,820 (Nine Thousand, Eight Hundred and Twenty United States Dollars) can be received each day until the money cleared from the system. This will result in a total of $ 58.920 (Fifty-Eight Thousand, Nine Hundred and Twenty United States Dollars) every six days. It is very important that you respond immediately. And in case you're wondering, we got your information from the index on the internet and we have confirmed with the relevant authorities.
Transfers are available on our system as you read this message. To proceed, please confirm the following information immediately;
Full name (as given in the I / C):
Your immediate response is diperlukan.Terima love.
Best regards,
Abdul Rahim Bin Ibrahim
Tel: +60 (0) 14 326 3972
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