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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [Some one you know!] <>
Date: 10 December 2013 00:35
Subject: ARTICLE
To: xxxxxx



The above message is a SPAM!

The web page at the given link: redirects your browser to a page at: by using the following meta refresh code.

<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="1; URL="><script>parent.location.href=''</script>

The web page at the destination ( ) has the following title:
Diet trends in South Africa-A Mom Outsmarts Weight Loss Clinics. Loses 12 kg in 4 weeks.

and this page resists closing by the following alert messages/dialogues:


Are you sure you don't want to take advantage of the Nuvagenic and Solpria?

Don't forget - they will only be available for a limited time. Or give it a shot, like Julia did, and transform your body.

Don't miss out on these great offers!


This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave - data you have entered may not be saved.




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