[SPAM] You are here because one of your friends have invited you
5 Comments Published by Ebisu on Sep 17, 2011 at 5:03 PM.

>>>> This SCAM/E-MAIL WORM is found to have become very active in recent days.
Please refer to our earlier alert at: http://spams-hoaxes.blogspot.com/2011/08/spam-you-are-here-because-one-of-your.html
Following is a new variant reported by a regular reader of http://spams-hoaxes.blogspot.com/
The version contains a different link: http://www.conceptwebsolutions.com/wp-includes/gvnyy.htm
which leads to a web page with the following content:
You are here because one of your friends have invited you
to try our free trial.
Hurry up! Limited quantity available!
We try to be helpful for you.
Page loading, please wait....
The web page has got a Meta Refresh leading to the URL: http://eptomi.ru/trial2/
as shown below:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4; url=http://eptomi.ru/trial2/">
However, this final destination page seems to be down now!
============Original E-mail=======================
Please refer to our earlier alert at: http://spams-hoaxes.blogspot.com/2011/08/spam-you-are-here-because-one-of-your.html
Following is a new variant reported by a regular reader of http://spams-hoaxes.blogspot.com/
The version contains a different link: http://www.conceptwebsolutions.com/wp-includes/gvnyy.htm
which leads to a web page with the following content:
You are here because one of your friends have invited you
to try our free trial.
Hurry up! Limited quantity available!
We try to be helpful for you.
Page loading, please wait....
The web page has got a Meta Refresh leading to the URL: http://eptomi.ru/trial2/
as shown below:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4; url=http://eptomi.ru/trial2/">
However, this final destination page seems to be down now!
============Original E-mail=======================
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: xxxxxxx [Will be a name familiar to you!]
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:46 PM
To: [Could be any name in the contacts book of the affected person!]
From: xxxxxxx [Will be a name familiar to you!]
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:46 PM
To: [Could be any name in the contacts book of the affected person!]
There are many links for this
There is an update with extensive list of destination domains of this SPAM/E-mail Worm, available at: http://spams-hoaxes.blogspot.com/2011/09/spame-mail-worm-you-are-here-because.html
Add this one to the expanding list:
let's show a way to kill this thing!
so what's the solution if you accidentally clicked on it?
@Anonymous, Need not worry much....just close the window...it may show one more alert about leaving current page...go ahead & click the 'Close' button OR click 'OK' to leave the page.